Market Leader in PNS & MRI

An MRI scan can be a crucial part in planning chronic pain treatment. Treat your patients with Freedom PNS knowing they can receive both a full-body 1.5T and 3T scan in the future, when medically necessary.


Important Safety Information

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may be safely performed under certain conditions on a patient with a Freedom Stimulator System (SCS/PNS).


The Transmitter Assembly unit (i.e., the external transmitter and antenna components of this neuromodulation system) MUST NOT be present in the MRI system room at ANY TIME. Failure to adhere to the specific requirements described in this manual can result in tissue damage, severe injury, or death.


A patient with the permanent Freedom implant specified below can be safely scanned in an MR system meeting the conditions defined in the table below, per the location of the device implant.


For more safety and patient information on MRI, please contact (800) 965-5134 or see the MRI Instructions for Use.

The following components are MR Unsafe: FR4A Trial Lead, FR8A Trial Lead, External Transmitter Assembly, Programmer, USB Battery Charger, Introducer, Guidewire, Steering Stylet For more information on preparation for an MRI, undergoing an MRI and post-MRI, please see the IFU.

Use the toggle button for more information on MR guidance based on the MRI scanner

Permanent Freedom Peripheral Nerve Stimulator (PNS) System STQ4 and FR4A

Includes the following permanent implants:


Permanent Freedom Peripheral Nerve Stimulator (PNS) System FR8A

Includes the following permanent implants:

Permanent Freedom Spinal Cord Stimulator (SCS) System FR8A

Includes the following permanent implants:

Permanent Freedom Peripheral Nerve Stimulator (PNS) System STQ4 and FR4A

Includes the following permanent implants:

Permanent Freedom Spinal Cord Stimulator (SCS) System FR8A

Includes the following permanent implants:

REC-11-208 REV. 2
Content contained or made available through this website is for informational purposes only, Curonix LLC has no vested interest in any specific physician(s), nor do we provide any recommendation, assurance, or guarantee with respect to their service. This information does not constitute medical, legal, or any other type of professional advice. Curonix LLC is a manufacturer of medical devices and does not practice medicine. Consult a qualified healthcare professional for advice regarding the diagnosis and treatment of any medical condition. Individual results may vary depending on a variety of patient-specific attributes and related factors. For product safety information, including information on risks, warnings, and possible adverse side effects please see the Instructions for Use.

The Freedom® PNS System has been cleared for use in the craniofacial region but is not yet commercially available.